Nu Image Medical – Reviews and Results from Customers

Nu Image Medical HCG

When you buy pharmaceutical-grade or prescribed HCG diet products, look for a company that offers a medication consultation as well as information on how to perform the injections at home.

Located in Tampa, Florida, Nu Image Medical is one of the few companies that provides you with a detailed medical consultation before prescribing you HCG injections or HCG Drops. They also offers you comprehensive information on how to self-inject the hormone at home.

Not only do they provide hCG injections, but they also offer other forms of hCG such as hCG drops and hCG pellets for those who don't prefer to use the needle.

However, if you choose to use the injection method, understand that injecting the hormone can be very safe and painless.

As long as you purchase the hormone from a reputable provider like Nu Image Medical, there are no risks to your health.

The problems occur when you try to use unlicensed providers that may save a small amount of money, but also put your health at risk unnecessarily.

UPDATE 2022: Currently, Nu Image Medical no longer offers hCG injections. Instead, we recommend you check out My Diet Doc for an alternative. They are a legitimate company with real doctors and offer high-quality hCG products.

Do You Have to Come to Nu Image Medical Clinic?

Nu Image Medical is using telemedicine technology to serve their customers. Telemedicine allows them to provide you with medical care through interactive technology.

With their Telemedicine technology, anyone in the US can receive these simplicities:

  • Consult with their medical staff via phone, interactive video call, or internet from anywhere!
  • Get the same level of attention and care our in-office patients receive.
  • Get prescription grade hCG directly to your home.

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Why Should You Buy HCG Diet Products from Nu Image Medical?

When it comes to selecting an HCG product, there are often far too many choices. Many of our readers report feeling confused by all of the varied options out there and how they differ from one another.

The simple answer to this is, most HCG drops are actually just the same thing. There’s really no difference between homeopathic HCG and hormone-free products. However, some homeopathic drops such as hCG Triumph may have a very small amount of the hormone in them.

Regardless, hormone-free products generally are all alcohol based. Since homeopathic version contains a diluted or small amount of hCG hormone, the homeopathic providers need a proportional amount of supporting vitamins and minerals in order to mimic the potency of real pure HCG hormone. This is where Nu Image Medical stands apart.

The original HCG diet program makes use of real HCG, in dosages of at least 125 I.Us (international units) per day. This is the minimum for injections, while the minimum for drops is around 150 I.Us.

Nu Image Medical provides this level of the hormone, and as such, it is able to achieve the top level of results usually seen on the program.

For new users really wanting to take charge with HCG, they can do so with a pure HCG hormone from Nu Image Medical. This is the most powerful method that has been shown to work in studies, as generally, just dieting will result in about 25% as much weight loss as with the hormone.

Where Competitors Fail Vs. Nu Image Medical

Beyond the undeniable fact that many competitors of Nu Image Medical product simply are offering a much more expensive and yet less effective weight loss method. There are many differences between what Nu Image company provides and what everyone else is offering.

Firstly, Nu Image Medical product is mixed in Florida, USA. It contains the real hormone and is extremely effective as many of their customers have experienced.

Competitors will generally be offering some kind of vitamin concoction which typically will be alcohol based and have a shelf life on the order of 2 years.

This would severely damage the HCG hormone if it actually contained it. Alcohol is a base and would destroy the bonds of this natural molecule.

Additionally, freshly mixed HCG has a shelf life of only around 45 days if only mixed with water. Nu Image Medical does take steps to extend this to over 90 days when opened, or 5 months if unopened, but it is merely impossible to extend it further.

When it comes to losing weight on the HCG protocol effectively and rapidly, there is really one powerful solution: Using Real HCG.

Though there are many products out there which are being marketed as if they are real HCG, they simply do not contain any of the hormones.

The best way to check is to ensure that somewhere on the website, it mentions the dosage in actual IUs. The only other valid way to measure is via milligrams at 99.99% purity.

Regardless, customers who want to lose weight and want to do so quickly would be wise to only use real and pure hCG hormone. That’s why so many of our customers speak such high praises about Nu Image Medical product.

Reviews from Customers

It’s been a whirlwind few years for Nu Image Medical as a lot of their customers have been reporting significant progress in losing weight.

To date, thousands of their customers have reported significant progress, typically ranging from 20 to 30 pounds of weight loss in a short regimen.

In fact, recently many customers reported such significant results within as little as 23 days (the minimum length of a single regimen).

Results from using Nu Image Medical

These results, not surprisingly, place Nu Image Medical product among one of the best hCG products available on the market.

Their product’s high dosage of the hormone along with B-12 allows for fast uptake and significant results within a very short period of time.

How to Buy HCG Products from Nu Image Medical – Complete Procedure

Nu Image Medical program is available to customers or patients in the US, simply by following their proper procedure:

Step 1: ENROLL

Sign up ONLINE immediately, or speak to one of their HCG Coaches here. Either way, you will instantly be able to complete their medical evaluation forms required for approval.

Step 2: PRE-QUALIFICATION Medical Evaluation Forms

Complete and accurate health evaluation and history are vital to qualify for their program. Their secure, digital portal makes it fast and convenient to complete these documents.

You may also Download, Print, and Fax them back if you prefer not to share your information via the internet.


Their licensed US physician will review your complete file. Once approved, your HCG Diet program can be executed, and your medication will be submitted to a US – FDA Approved Pharmacy by the ordering doctor.

Your HCG Kit will be shipped to you directly from the pharmacy.

If you decide to choose Nu Image Medical as your hCG diet provider, you know you've made the right decision in weight loss by trusting the company that the entire United States also does!

Michelle became a Registered Dietitian in June 2008 and currently work with a team of physicians, fitness coaches, and psychologists to develop a multi-faceted obesity treatment program in Florida. Michelle regularly contributes to many publications, among them, Newsday, Self, Fitness, Ladies’ Home Journal, and Women’s Day.