Raise your hand if you believe the human body is just a jumbled mess of weak, stupid organs which are genetically prone to random attacks of illness and disease. And that it’s completely natural to crawl into your grave one day, welcoming death as a long-awaited reprieve from a lifetime of suffering.
I’ve posed this scenario to live audiences many times in the past, and not one person has ever raised their hand.
We all admit the human body is pretty smart, at least in theory, but few of us actually live as though we believe it.
Our medical system has taught us that the human body is feeble and pathetic. Moreover, it requires assistance in pharmaceutical drugs and surgical intervention from the time we’re born until the day we die. And that our best chance for living to a ripe old age is to cross our fingers and hope for a miracle.
Part of my mission in life is teaching people how absurdly WRONG these assertions are.
20 Facts That Prove Your Body is Smarter Than You Think
When you truly believe your body is smart, it changes how you treat it and transforms the way you view symptoms and disease.
Take a look at these incredible human body facts, and then ask yourself where you really stand on the matter.
1. An adult human being contains about seven octillion atoms. That's a lot! We're made up mostly of water and carbon. There are also some other elements in us, but they make up such a tiny percentage of what we are that we could probably ignore them.
2. The space between atoms in the human body is enormous, so much so that we are mostly empty space. We experience the illusion of being solid matter because of the speed at which the atoms move. A person who loses all their empty atomic space would be very tiny. They could fit inside a cube less than 1 / 500th of a centimeter (0.003937) on each side.
3. A human brain can do 38 trillion operations per second. That's almost two orders of magnitude more than any other computer system ever built. A supercomputer can do.02 percent of that.
4. All the DNA in your body could fit into a space the size of a dime, but if uncoiled, it would stretch 10 billion miles…all the way to Pluto and back.
5. In an average lifetime, the brain stores enough information to fill 500,000 sets of the Encyclopedia Britannica, which would reach 442 miles high.
6. Every 13 seconds, your body produces more cells than there are people in the United States, about 25 million new cells per second.
7. If the human eye were a digital camera, it would have 576 megapixels. The iPhone 5 only has 8.
8. The focusing muscles of the eye contract and relax around one hundred thousand times a day. To provide your leg muscles the same workout, you’d need to walk 50 miles.
9. In one day, your heart pumps 2,100 gallons of blood through 62,000 miles of blood vessels, and each red blood cell makes a complete circuit through the body about every 30 seconds.
10. Forty-five miles of nerves send electrochemical impulses as rapidly as 325 miles per hour.
11. The human nervous system is so complex that if the body consisted only of nerves (no skin, muscles, bones, etc.), we’d still be able to recognize one another.
12. Our muscles are incredibly powerful, but the muscular and ligamentous systems counteract each other to prevent us from tearing ourselves apart. If every muscle in the human body worked together simultaneously, we’d be able to lift approximately 20 times our own body weight.
13. The human cough expels irritants from the lungs faster than 50 miles per hour. The average human sneeze travels at over 100 mph.
14. Human bone is as strong as granite. A block of bone, the size of a matchbox, could support approximately 18,000 pounds of weight.
15. If you stretched out the 300 million capillaries in your lungs end to end, the line would extend for 1,300 miles, about the distance from Seattle to San Diego.
16. In 30 minutes, the human body gives off enough heat to bring a gallon of water to a boil.
17. Your body creates seven miles of new blood vessels for every pound of fat or muscle you gain.
18. Every day, your heart creates enough energy to drive a truck 20 miles.
19. There are more bacteria in the human mouth than there are people in the world.
20. The digestive acids in the stomach are strong enough to dissolve zinc. However, the acids don’t have time to destroy the stomach lining because the body replaces it (new cells) every 4-5 days.
Aside from all these incredible truths, we still know next to nothing about how the human body functions, and that is primarily why we don’t have any faith in its ability.
In fact, if anyone person knew everything we currently know about the body (which is decidedly impossible), that person would only know about 10% of it. In reality, anyone person actually has access to a mere fraction of a fraction of the existing knowledge.
And yet we allow those who know nothing to handle everything.
The (Organic) Farmer and the Seed
If the body is smart, then it’s always smart, not just sometimes and in some situations. Our lack of faith is merely the result of our own ignorance.
When a farmer (an organic farmer, that is) plants a seed, he doesn’t interfere. He doesn’t stomp all over the ground, dig it back up, and peel back its layers to study it and ensure the seed grows as HE intellectually thinks it should.
Instead, he nurtures the seed, takes care of it, protects it, provides what it needs for health and growth, and then stands back so nature can do its job.
Makes sense, doesn’t it?
This is how the human body expresses health, longevity, and vitality.
Take care of your body, nurture it, provide what it needs, remove what it doesn’t need, and get out of the way. This is how you restore health to a sick person.